
1. Envelop vt. /ɪnˈvɛləp/

  • Synonym
    • Surround
    • Enclose 闭合
      • Enclosement Movement 圈地运动
  • Phrase
    • Push your envelop = Push your boundary 挑战极限
  • Example
    • Shanghai was enveloped by smog. 上海被雾霾笼罩。

2. Storage n. /ˈstɔrəʤ/

  • Phrase
    • Storage battery
  • Derivative
    • Store

3. Proactive adj. /ˈproʊˈæktɪv/


  • Defin: Acting in anticipation of future problems, needs or changes.
  • Phrase
    • Take proactive measure to do… 采取积极主动的措施做…

4. Fantasy n. /ˈfæntəsi/

  • Derivative
    • Fantasize 幻想
    • Fantastical Animals 神奇的动物

5. Posit vt. /ˈpɑzət/

  • Synonym
    • Arrange 安排
    • Assume 假定
  • Roots and Affixes
    • -pos 放

6. Disguise vt./n. /dɪsˈɡaɪz/


  • Phrase
    • A demon in the guise of an angel 伪装成天使的恶魔
    • An angle in disguise

7. Psychology n. /saɪˈkɑləʤi/

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -psych 心理
      • Psychopath 精神变态者
      • Psychologist 心理医生
      • Psychotherapist 心理疗法
      • Psychiatrist 精神病专家

8. Embellish vt. /ɪmˈbɛlɪʃ/


  • Synonym

    • Adorn 装饰
  • Roots and Affixes

    • -em 使动
    • -bell 战争;美女
      • The belle of the ball 舞会的美女

9. Weird adj. /wɪrd/

  • Derivative
    • Weirdo 怪人
    • Weird-looking man 长相怪异的男人

10. Diverge vi. /dɪˈvɜrʤ/


  • Roots and Affixes

    • -di 二
    • -ver 转
  • Example

    • Two roads diverged in the wood.
    • Our paths of live diverged after thar event…

11. Infuriate vt. /ɪnˈfjʊriˌeɪt/


  • Derivative
    • Fury = Outrage = Anger 愤怒
    • Furious 狂怒的
  • Example
    • Fast and Furious

12. Spear v./n. /spɪr/

  • Derivative

    • Spearhead v. 矛头
  • Example

  • Charles Darwin spearheaded the study of evolution. 查尔斯·达尔文是进化论研究的先驱

13. Repress vt. /riˈprɛs/


  • Roots and Affixes
    • -press 压
  • Example
    • He felt repressed after his divorce.
    • The police cracked down on/repressed the riot. 警察镇压了骚乱

14. Conquer vt. /ˈkɑŋkər/

  • Example
    • Conquer yourself and the world lies at your feet. 征服自己,世界就在你脚下
    • I came, I saw, I conquered. 我来了,我看见了,我征服了
  • Expansion
    • Caesar
    • Alexander the Great
    • William the Conqueror
    • Genghis Khan

15. Thrust v./n. /θrʌst/

  • Synonym
    • Push with a force
    • Shove 推

16. Casualty n. /ˈkæʒəwəlti/

  • Example
    • Casualty is huge. 伤亡是巨大的

17. Incidental adj. /ˌɪnsɪˈdɛntəl/


  • Derivative
    • Incident
      • Five Incidents of bird flu 五起禽流感事件
  • Expansion
    • Accident

18. Superb adj. /sʊˈpɜrb/


  • Phrase
    • Superb performance

19. Bestow vt. /bɪˈstoʊ/

  • Synonym

    • Confer 授予
  • Roots and Affixes

    • -fer 带来
  • Example

    • Bestowed by the Queen the knight-ship 被女王授予爵士爵位

20. Adventitious adj. /ˌædvɛnˈtɪʃəs/


21. Resolute adj. /ˈrɛzəluːt/


  • Synonym
    • Determined
    • Decisive
  • Example
    • New Year’s Resolution 新年决心

22. Dissipate v. /ˈdɪsɪpeɪt/


  • Synonym

    • Spread thin 摊薄
    • Scatter 散开
  • Example

    • His passion dissipated…

23. Cranial n. /ˈkreɪniəl/


  • Phrase
    • Cranial surgery

24. Lineage n. /ˈlɪniɪʤ/

  • Phrase
    • Matrilineal 母系
    • Patrilineal 父系
  • Roots and Affixes
    • -line
  • Expansion
    • Linear Algebra 线性代数

25. Balk n./v. /bɔːk/


  • Synonym

    • Obstacle
    • Road block
  • Example

    • I balked at sight of that tiger. 我一看到那只老虎就退缩了

26. Irritate vt. /ˈɪrɪteɪt/


  • Derivative
    • Irritative 刺激性的
    • Irritating 令人恼火

27. Consolidate v. /kənˈsɒlɪdeɪt/


  • Roots and Affixes
    • -solid
  • Example
    • Alibaba just consolidate a small company. 阿里巴巴只是整合了一家小公司

28. Intervening adj. /ˌɪntəˈviːnɪŋ/


  • Roots and Affixes

    • -inter
    • -ven 来
  • Phrase

    • Foreign intervention 外国干预
    • Intervening time between A and B

29. Corrosion n. /kəˈrəʊʒᵊn/


  • Derivative
    • Corrosive
  • Phrase
    • Soil corrosion 土壤腐蚀

30. Mental adj. /ˈmɛntᵊl/

  • Phrase
    • Mental health

31. Plump adj. /plʌmp/


  • Synonym
    • Curvy
    • Well-developed

32. Readily adv. /ˈrɛdɪli/


  • Phrase
    • Readily available 一应俱全

33. Cooperative adj. /kəʊˈɒpᵊrətɪv/

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -co
      • co-worker
      • Collaborate 合作
  • Expansion
    • Cooperation VS. Competition
    • COO: Chief Operation Officer

34. Pave v. /peɪv/

  • Phrase
    • Pave the way for 为…铺路
  • Derivative
    • Pavements

35. Contamination n. /kənˌtæmɪˈneɪʃᵊn/


  • Example
    • The water is contaminated.

36. Shrink v. /ʃrɪŋk/

  • Phrase
    • Shake off/from responsibility 逃避责任
    • Clothes shrunk after washed
    • Psychiatrist = shrink (美式替代写法)
  • Example
    • The company’s profits shrank by 20% last quarter due to decreased sales.

37. Pretentious adj. /prɪˈtɛnʃəs/


  • Derivative
    • Pretend v. 假装
    • Pretention n.
  • Roots and Affixes
    • -pre
    • -tend (tent)
      • Protect
  • Example
    • Your smile looks pretentious. 你的笑容看起来很做作

38. Laser n. /ˈleɪzə/

  • Derivative
    • Lasersaber 激光剑
  • Example
    • Saber-toothed cat

39. Identity n. /aɪˈdɛntəti/

40. Barter n./v. /ˈbɑːtə/


  • Synonym
    • Trade
    • Deal

41. Cue n. /kjuː/

  • Synonym
    • Hint
    • Clue
  • Example
    • He is clueless about sth… 他对某事一无所知……

42. Tenant n. /ˈtɛnənt/


  • Antonym
    • Landlord 店主

43. Medal n. /ˈmɛdᵊl/

  • Phrase
    • Gold medal 金牌
  • Derivative
    • Medalist

44. Inscribe v. /ɪnˈskraɪb/


  • Roots and Affixes
    • -scribe 写
      • Describe
      • Prescribe 规定、处方
  • Phrase
    • Inscription on the tablet

45. Flake n./v. /fleɪk/


46. Concert n. /ˈkɒnsət/

  • Phrase
    • In Concert 齐心协力
    • By concerted effort 通过共同努力
  • Roots and Affixes
    • -cert 心

47. Supreme adj. /suːˈpriːm/

  • Phrase
    • Supreme being 至高无上的存在
    • Supreme Court Justices 大法官
  • Derivative
    • Supremacist 至上主义

48. Encounter vt. /ɪnˈkaʊntə/

  • Synonym
    • Come Across
  • Example
    • When you are encountered/confronted with sth…

49. Lease n./vt. /liːs/

  • Example
    • It is a lease. 这是租约

50. Downward adv. /ˈdaʊnwəd/

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -ward 向
      • Westward
      • Eastward
      • Upward
      • Leftward
  • Phrase
    • Downward spiral 下降通道

51. Courteous adj. /ˈkɜːtiəs/


  • Derivative
    • Courtesy 礼貌
    • Court v. 求爱

52. Evolve v. /ɪˈvɒlv/

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -volv 转、滚
    • -e 出
  • Phrase
    • Evolutionary Tree

53. Jeopardize vt. /ˈʤɛpədaɪz/


  • Phrase
    • Put sb in jeopardy 将某人置于危险之中

54. Detergent adj./n. /dɪˈtɜːʤᵊnt/


  • Derivative
    • Deter 威慑、阻止
    • Deterrent
  • Example
    • Does death penalty have deterrent effect? 死刑有威慑作用吗

55. Parking n. /ˈpɑːkɪŋ/

56. Imprint v./n.


  • Synonym
    • Engrave
    • Impress
    • Inscribe

57. Degree n.

  • Expansion
    • C = (F - 32) * 5 / 9

58. Bulk n.

  • Example
    • The bulk of our time is spent on… 我们的大部分时间都花在…

59. Spontaneity n.


  • Derivative
    • Spontaneous 自发的

60. Mast n.


61. Inanimate adj.

  • Antonym

    • Animate 有生气的、有生命的
  • Derivative

    • Animation 动画片
    • Anime 日本动漫
  • Roots and Affixes

    • -anim 生命

62. Exhale v.


  • Antonym

    • Inhale 吸气
  • Roots and Affixes

    • -ex

63. Comply vi.

  • -

  • Phrase

    • Comply with… 服从
  • Derivative

    • Compliant 顺从的 — Rebellious 叛逆的
  • Roots and Affixes

    • -ply 折叠

64. Plantation n.


  • Phrase
    • Plantation life

65. Request n./vt.

  • Phrase
    • do sth at sb’s request
  • Roots and Affixes
    • -ques 问
      • Conquest 征服
      • Question

66. Penetrate v.


  • Phrase
    • Penetrate the audience
  • Derivative
    • Penetration
  • Expansion
    • Gene — Meme 文化基因

67. Diversion n.


  • Roots and Affixes
    • -ver 转

68. Endure vt.

  • Derivative
    • Endurance 耐力、忍受力
  • Roots and Affixes
    • -en


69. Reserve n./vt.

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -serv (save)
  • Phrase
    • Make a reservation 预订
  • Expansion
    • Outgoing = Extroverted 外向的
    • Reserved = Introverted 内向的

70. Overload vt./n.

  • Phrase
    • Information overload 信息过载
    • Load the gun 上膛
  • Expansion
    • Download
    • Upload

71. Region n.

  • Derivative
    • Regional != Global
  • Expansion
    • Global hegemon 全球霸权

72. Absurd adj.

  • Derivative
    • Absurdism 荒谬主义
    • Absurdity 荒谬

73. Exemplary adj.


  • Example
    • It can be exemplified by… 它可以举例说明…
    • Exemplary figure in astrophysics… 天体物理学的模范人物…

74. Leftover n./adj.


75. Conservationist n.


76. Suspect v./adj./n.

  • Expansion
    • Suspect:怀疑有…🈶️
    • Doubt:怀疑没有…🈚️
  • Roots and Affixes
    • -spect 看

77. Adhesive n./adj/


  • Roots and Affixes
    • -ad 表强调
    • -hes 胶、粘
  • Derivative
    • Adherent 拥护者

78. Gravitational adj.

  • Phrase
    • Gravitational wave 引力波

79. Hydrogen n.

80. Celebrate v.

81. Obsess v.

  • Phrase
    • Be obsessed with sth. 痴迷于
  • Derivative
    • Obsession 痴
  • Expansion
    • OCD: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 强迫症

82. Atomic adj.

  • Phrase
    • Atomic bomb
  • Roots and Affixes
    • -a 不能、否定的
    • -tom 拆开

83. Senior adj./n.

  • Phrase
    • Senior citizen 老年人
  • Example
    • He is my senior. 他是我学长
  • Antonym
    • Junior
      • He just made some junior remarks. 他只是说了一些初级的话。

84. Finalize vt.

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -fin 边缘
      • Shark-fin soup 鱼翅汤
  • Phrase
    • Finalize a plan 敲定方案

85. Utter vt./adj.


  • Phrase

    • Utter idiot 完全的傻蛋
  • Derivative

    • Utterly
      • He is utterly foolish.
  • Example

    • What is the first word you utterred? 你说的第一个字是什么?

86. Outrageously adv.


  • Roots and Affixes

    • -rage 愤怒
  • Derivative

    • Outrage 愤怒
    • Outrageous 可耻的

87. Mammal n.


88. Bare adj./vt.


  • Derivaitve
    • Barefoot
  • Phrase
    • Bare my heart to sb 袒露心声
  • Example
    • I barely survive. 我勉强活了下来。

89. Sticky adj.


90. Personnel n.

  • Phrase
    • Cut down on personnel 裁员

91. Inclination n.


92. Particle n.

  • Example
    • Particle physics 粒子物理学
      • Higgs Boson 希格斯玻色子
  • Derivative
    • PM2.5: Particulate Matter 2.5

93. Notify vt.

  • Derivative
    • Notification

94. Survey n./v.

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -vey 看

95. Abortive adj.


  • Derivative

    • Abortion
  • Example

    • Your attempt was proved abortive. 你的尝试被证明是失败的。

96. Catholic adj.


  • Example
    • Catholic Church 天主教堂 — Pope Francis 教皇弗朗西斯

97. Offset n./vt.

  • Synonym
    • Balance out 平衡
    • Set off 抵消
  • Example
    • Trade-offset

98. Stable adj.

  • Derivative
    • Stable n. 马厩
      • Clean the Augean stables 清除混乱、肮脏或庞大的问题或困境

99. Ambiguity n.

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -ambi 二
      • Amphibian 两栖动物
      • Ambidextrous 两手都善用的
    • -ambul 漫游
      • Ambulance 救护车
  • Derivative
    • Ambigious 模糊的,模棱两可的

100. Retrospective adj.


  • Roots and Affixes
    • -spect 看
    • -retro 向后
  • Phrase
    • In retrospect = looking back

101. Overt adj.


  • Antonym
    • Covert 掩蔽的

102. Contributory n.

  • Derivative
    • Contribution
  • Roots and Affixes
    • -tribu 给予
      • As a tribute to God 作为对上帝献祭

103. Strenuous adj.


  • Example
    • Strenuous Life — Teddy Roosevelt

104. Puff v./n.


106. Instill vt.


  • Phrase
    • Instill in sb the sense of justice…

107. Depress vt.


  • Derivative
    • Depression
  • Example
    • The Great Depression

108. Avenge vt.


  • Expansion
    • Revenge n.
      • I will have my revenge.
  • Phrase
    • Avenge oneself on sb 向…复仇

109. Meditate v.

  • Derivative
    • Meditation
    • Meditative state of mind

110. Ensure vt.

111. Gush v.


  • Phrase
    • Gush out sth. 滔滔不绝

112. Predispose v.


  • Expansion
    • One-off / Disposable chopsticks 一次性筷子
  • Example
    • Man proposes, God disposes. 谋事在人,成事在天
    • She is predisposed to heart attack.

113. Languish vt.


  • Synonym
    • Pine v. 瘦削

114. Ravage v.


115. Exodus n.


  • Roots and Affixes
    • -ex 出
    • -od 路
      • Odometer 里程表

116. Compound n.

117. Subject v.

  • Phrase
    • Subject sb to sth. 让某人经受某事

118. Backlighting n.

119. Mild adj.

  • Derivative
    • Wild
    • Mild-tempered 脾气温顺的

120. Consistency n.

121. Exalt vt.


  • Roots and Affixes
    • -alt 高度
    • -ex

122. Soluble adj.

123. Academy n.

  • Derivative
    • Academician 院士
    • Academic 学术的
    • Academia 学术界

124. Prodigious adj.


  • Derivative
    • Prodigy 神童

125. Brief adj.

  • Phrase
    • In brief
    • Briefly speaking, …

126. Optimistic adj.

  • Antonym
    • Pessimistic
  • Example
    • Rational optimism 理性乐观派

127. Marked adj.


  • Synonym
    • Substantial
    • Considerate
  • Example
    • He made marked progress.

128. Typify vt.


  • Derivative
    • Typical

129. Imitation n.

  • Example
    • Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. 模仿是最真诚的奉承形式。

131. Compile vt.

  • Example
    • Compilation of the 15th edition of Xinhua Chinese Dictionary 新华汉语词典第15版汇编

132. Propel vt.


  • Roots and Affixes
    • -pel 推
  • Derivative
    • Propeller 螺旋桨

133. Hoe vt.


134. Stride n./vi.


  • Phrase
    • In Great Stride 大步
    • March toward… in greater strides…

135. Fade v.

  • Roots and Affixes
    • Fade away 褪色

136. Tunnel n./v.

  • Phrase
    • Tunnel Vision 井底之蛙

137. Highlight vt。

139. Friction n.

  • Derivative
    • Frictionless 无摩擦

140. Calm adj.

  • Phrase
    • Keep Calm and carry on
    • Calm yourself down
    • The calm before the storm.

141. Wrinkle n./v.

  • Example
    • Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. 皱纹应该只表明微笑在那里
    • Crow Winkle 眼角纹

142. Cube n.

  • Example
    • Water Cube
    • 2 cube is 8

143. Plank n.


144. Transfer n./n.

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -fer 带来
      • Ferry boat 渡船

145. Eclecticism n.


146. Piracy n.


  • Derivative
    • Pirate
  • Roots and Affixes
    • Piracy product 盗版产品
    • Copycat 学别人样的人

147. Deception n.

  • Derivative
    • Deceive 欺骗
  • Roots and Affixes
    • -cep 截取,拿,抓

148. Blanket n.


  • Example
    • Blanket policy 一刀切计划

149. Subtle adj.

  • Phrase
    • Subtle change 微小变化
    • Subtle smile 微妙/狡猾的微笑

150. Dissenter n.


151. Habit n.

  • Phrase
    • Old habits die hard 旧习惯很难改掉

152. Dictate v.

  • Derivative
    • Dictator 独裁者

153. Subway n.

154. Aroma n.


155. Niche n.


  • Example
    • Niche market 利基市场

156. Rush n.

  • Phrase
    • Rush time

157. Embody vt.


  • Example
    • Sb is embodiment of… Sb是…的代表

158. Inviting adj.


159. Elective adj。


  • Derivative
    • Electives 选择 s
    • Elect a president

160. Benefit n./v.

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -bene 好
      • Benison 祝福、赐福