
1. Insulin n.


  • Roots and Affixes
    • -insul 隔离
      • Insulate v.
        • Insulate sb from electric current 将sb与电流隔离
      • -in
        • Biotin 生物素
        • Penicillin 抗生素

2. Explore v.

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -ex 向外
    • -plor 哭求
      • Implore 恳求
  • Phrase
    • Space exploration

3. Cart n./vt.

  • Phrase
    • Golf cart 高尔夫车
    • Put horses behind the card 本末倒置

4. Pertinent adj.

  • Synonym
    • Relevant 相关的
  • Roots and Affixes
    • -per 贯穿始终
    • -tin (-tain) 拿住
  • Expansion
    • Irrevevant 不相关的
      • i + 一个辅音 表否定

5. Mercy n.

  • Phrase
    • Mercy killing 安乐死 = Euthanasia
    • Show me the mercy
    • at the mercy of sb 受sb的摆布
  • Derivative
    • Merciful
    • Merciless

6. Rebellious adj.

  • Derivative
    • Rebel v./n. (动名词相同的单词,动词中音向后一个音节)
  • Roots and Affixes
    • -bell 战争
      • bellicose 好战的
  • Example
    • I rebel against my boss.

7. Barrel n.

  • Phrase
    • A barrel of crude oil 一桶原油
    • A barrel of beer 一桶啤酒
    • Gun barrel 枪管

8. Transition n./v.

  • Phrase

    • v. Transition from A to B 从A过渡到B
    • n. Transition period 过渡期
  • Roots and Affixes

    • -trans 变
      • Transportation 运输
    • -port 运输
      • Port 港口
      • Potter 搬运工

9. Lyric adj./n.

  • Derivative
    • Lyrics 歌词
    • Lyre 里拉乐器
  • Example
    • You feel lyrical today. 你今天感觉很抒情。

10. Adorn vt.

  • Synonym
    • Decorate
  • Derivative
    • Adornment

11. Questionnaire n,

  • Expansion
    • Billonaire
    • Millionaire

12. Minority n.

  • Antonmy

    • Majority
  • Phrase

    • Ethnic minority 少数民族
  • Exapnsion

    • Minor 小的
      • Minors 未成年人

13. Entitle vt.

  • Example
    • Obamacare 奥巴马医改 -> Entitlement 权利 program
    • Everyone is entitled to his own opinions, but not his facts. 每个人都有权发表自己的意见,但无权发表自己的事实。

14. Renew vt.

  • Derivative

    • Renewal n.更新
    • Renewable energy 可再生能源
  • Example

    • I want to renew this book. 续借书本
    • Renew our promise to this nation… 重续我们对这个国家的承诺……

15. Consistent adj.

  • Derivative

    • Consistency 一致,稳定,始终如一
  • Antonym

    • Flip-flop 出尔反尔; 人字拖
  • Roots and Affixes

    • -sist (sit)
    • -con

16. Quotation n.

  • Phrase
    • Famous quote 著名引用
    • Quotation for sth. 某物报价

17. So-called adj.


  • Example
    • How have those so-called improvements helped the local community? 这些所谓的改进是如何帮助当地社区的?

18. Magnitude n.


  • Roots and Affixes
    • -mag 大
      • Magnifying glass 放大镜
    • -tude …度

19. Rectangle n.

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -rect 直
      • Correct 正确的
      • Rectum 直肠
      • Rectify 修正
      • Resurrect 复活
  • Expansion
    • Angle
    • Square
    • Sphere
    • Ciclre
    • Cube

20. Telescope n.

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -tele 远
      • Telepathy 心有灵犀
    • -path 情感

21. Lightning n.

  • Expansion
    • Thunder < Lightning

22. Utensil n.


  • Roots and Affixes
    • -ut (use) 用
      • Utilize v. 利用
      • Utility n. 效用
        • Utility diminishing 效用减少

23. Kennel n.


24. Liquid adj./n.

  • Phrase

    • Rice liquor 米酒
  • Expansion

    • Solid n./adj. 固体
    • Gas -> Gaseous 气体的

25. Remark n.

  • Synonym
    • Comment

26. Principal n./adj.

  • Synonym
    • Major
    • Main
    • Primary
    • President
  • Expansion
    • Principle n. 原则
      • A man of principle 一个有原则的人

27. Hide v./n.

  • Phrase
    • Hide and seek 捉迷藏
    • Animal hdie 动物兽皮

28. Spoil v.

  • Phrase
    • Spoiled child 被宠溺的小孩
    • Spoil the camp 破坏营地
  • Derivative
    • Spoils 战利品

29. Internship n.


  • Example
    • I work as an intern in the White House. 在白宫实习
  • Expansion
    • Friendship
    • Relationship
    • Sportsmanship 运动员精神

30. Polish v.

31. Starch n.


  • Phrase
    • Starchy lawyer 古板的律师

32. Assimilation n.

  • Roots and Affixes
    • a + 辅音 表强调
    • -simil 相同
      • Similar 相似的
  • Phrase
    • Cultural assimilation 文化同化

33. Detest n.

  • Synonym
    • Hate
  • Derivative
    • Detestable 令人厌恶的

34. Gigantic adj.

  • Synonym
    • Huge
    • Enormous

35. Convention n.

  • Phrase
    • Conventional wisdom 传统智慧
    • Party Convention 党大会
    • 公约

36. Diagonal adj./n.


  • Phrase

    • Diagonal Length
  • Roots and Affixes

    • -dia 直径
      • Diameter = 2 * radius 直径 = 2 * 半径
    • -gon 角
      • Pentagon 五角形
      • Hexagon 六角形

37. Absenteeism n.


  • Phrase

    • Absense from school 缺课
  • Expansion

    • Play hooky 逃学 = Play truant

38. Bacon n.

39. Silversmith n.


  • Expansion
    • Blacksmith 铁匠
    • Locksmith 锁匠

40. Cell n.

  • Phrase
    • Jail cell 监狱牢房
    • Cellphone 手机

41. Digression n.


  • Roots and Affixes
    • -di 离开
    • -gress 走

42. Stake n.

  • Synonym
    • Post, Pole, Stick, Spike 柱子,棒子,尖峰
    • Bet 打赌
  • Derivative
    • Stakeholder 利益攸关方
    • Shareholder 股东
  • Example
    • When the stake is high 当赌注很高的时候

43. Pesticide n.

44. Conflict vi/n.

  • Phrase

    • A in conflict with B A 与 B 有冲突
  • Roots and Affixes

    • -con 全,共同

    • -flict 打,击

      • Inflict pain on sb 给sb带来痛苦

45. Accumulate vt.

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -cumul 堆积
      • Cumulus 积云 ☁️
  • Derivative
    • Accumulation

46. Eternal adj.

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -e 外
    • tern (term) 边界
  • Derivative
    • Eternaltity 永恒

47. Sting v.

  • Phrase
    • Sting sb into action 激励某人采取行动

48. Extinct adj.

  • Derivative
    • Extinction 灭绝
    • Mass Extinction

49. Respond vi.

  • Derivative
    • Response

50. Sunset

51. Expertise n.


52. Blend v./n.

  • Derivative
    • Blender
  • Phrase
    • Blender in = mix

53. Gungus n.


  • Derivative
    • Fungi pl.
    • Fungicide 杀真菌剂

54. Elasticity n.


  • Roots and Affixes

    • -ity 性
      • Price elasticity 价格弹性
  • Expansion

    • Elastic woman

55. Moisture n.

  • Derivative
    • Moist
  • Expansion
    • Humidity 湿气

56. Gravity n.

  • Derivative
    • Gravitation 引力
  • Phrase
    • Gravitational wave 引力波
  • Roots and Affixes
    • -grav 重的

57. Stout adj.

  • Synonym

    • Strong
  • Phrase

    • Stout-hearted 顽强的

58. Assent vi./n.

  • Synonym

    • Consent
      • With my Consent 经我同意
  • Phrase

    • Assent to sb 同意某人

59. Bizarre adj.

  • Synonym
    • Werid
    • Eccentric -> Eccentricity 怪的

60. Conceit n.

  • Synonym

    • Arrogant 傲慢的
    • Megalomania 夸大的、权欲熏心
    • Self-important 妄尊自大的
  • Derivative

    • Conceited 自大的

61. Husbandry n.


62. Abysmal adj.


  • Phrase

    • Abysmal foolishness 糟糕的愚蠢
  • Derivative

    • Abyss 深渊

63. Scorn n./v.

  • Synonym
    • Contempt 蔑视、轻蔑

64. Tranquil adj.

  • Synonym

    • Serene 安详的 -> Serenity
  • Derivative

    • Trranquility 安静的
  • Roots and Affixes

    • -qui 安静
  • Expansion

    • My god grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change; the courage to change the things we can; and the wisdom to know the difference.

65. Swoop. n./v.


66. Punch vt./n.

  • Phrase
    • Punch you in the face
    • Punch your card 打卡

67. Mingle v.

  • Example
    • Are you single? Let’s mingle.

68. Interim n./adj.

  • Synonym

    • Transition 过渡期
  • Phrase

    • Interim period
  • Derivative

    • Interval 间隔
  • Roots and Affixes

    • -inter 在…之间

69. Laudable adj.

  • Derivative
    • Laud 称赞

70. Incur vt.


  • Roots and Affixes
    • -cur 跑
  • Example
    • Excessive alcohol would incur damage to our body.

71. Pretext n.

  • Synonym

    • Excuse 借口、托词
  • Roots and Affixes

    • -pre

72. Replica n.


  • Derivative
    • Replicate n.
    • Replicator 复制器

73. Siege n.


  • Phrase
    • Under siege 被包围了

74. Lunge vi./n.

  • Phrase
    • Lunge into/at 涌入
    • Plunge into 陷入

75. Basement


76. Crude adj.

  • Phrase
    • Crude oil
    • Crude manners pl. 粗鲁的举止

77. Gibe n./v.

  • Synonym
    • Jibe 嘲讽
    • Laugh at…
    • Mock sb 嘲笑
    • Make mockery of sb

78. Community n.

  • Phrase
    • Community college
    • A sense of community 归属感
  • Derivative
    • Communism 共产主义
  • Example
    • People’s Commune 人民公社

79. Speckle v.

  • Synonym
    • Freckle 雀斑

80. Beaver n.


81. Pollutant n.


  • Derivative
    • Pollute
    • Pollution

82. Sardonic adj.

  • Derivative
    • Satirical 嘲笑的
  • Expansion
    • Parody n./v. 拙劣的模仿

83. Practical adj.

  • Phrase

    • In Practice
    • Practical joke 恶作剧
  • Expansion

    • In theory
    • Pragmatic 务实的

84. Circular adj.

  • Phrase
    • Circular reasoning 循环论证

85. Disappoint v.

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -dis 分散
    • -point 点
      • Appoint 任命

86. Nomadic adj.


  • Expansion
    • Band-level society -> Tribe-level society -> Agricultural society -> Industrialized society -> Information society
    • 乐队级社会->部落级社会->农业社会->工业化社会->信息社会

87. Soft adj.

88. Talent n.

89. Confer v.

  • Phrase
    • Confer sb the degree of Ph.D. 授予
  • Derivate
    • Conference 大型会议

90. Incessantly adv.


  • Roots and Affixes
    • -cess 走

91. Stadium n.

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -ium 地点
      • Gynasium 体操馆
      • Museum 博物馆
      • Planetarium 天文馆
      • Aquarium 水族馆

92. Budget n.

  • Phrase
    • Make a budget 做预算

93. Dominate v.

  • Derivative

    • Indomitable 不可战胜的
  • Roots and Affixes

    • -domin 控制、统治
  • Phrase

    • Dominant gene 显性基因

94. Intelligence n.

95. Ultimatum n.


  • Roots and Affixes
    • -ulti 最终的
      • Ultimate 最终的、终极的

96. Personality n.

  • Phrase
    • TV Personality 电视名人
    • Good personality 好人格
  • Expansion
    • Character 性格

97. Decrease v./n.

  • Antonym
    • Increase

98. Milieu n.


  • Expansion
    • In lieu of… 代替

99. Satiric adj.

  • Derivative
    • Sarcastic 讽刺的

100. Alchemist n.


  • Expansion
    • Alchemy -> Chemistry
    • Astrology 占星术 -> Astronomy 天文学

101. Untamed adj.


  • Antonym
    • Tame = Domesticate 驯化

102. Diffusion n.


  • Derivative
    • Diffuse 使…扩散

103. Stream v.

  • Derivaitve
    • Streaming
  • Phrase
    • Stream into 涌入

104. Clipper n.


  • Derivative
    • Clippers 剪刀

105. Equivalent n./adj.

对等物; 相同的

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -equi 等
      • Equal
    • -val 价
      • Value

106. Fray vi./n.


  • Phrase
    • Above the fray = conflicts
  • Example
    • His political aides handled the controversy while he remained above the fray. 他的政治助手处理了争议,而他仍然处于争执之中。

107. Prolific adj.

  • Synonym

    • Productive
    • Fruitful
  • Phrase

    • A prolific writer

108. Revolution n.

  • Phrase
    • Cultural revolution 文化革命
  • Roots and Affixes
    • -volu 滚
  • Expansion
    • Reform < Revolution
    • Reform and Opening-up policy 改革开放

109. Crab n.


  • Expansion
    • Crap = Shit

110. Inhabit vt.

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -hab 住
  • Derivative
    • Inhabitant 居民
    • Uninhabitable 无法居住
  • Example
    • Bad habits die hard. 坏习惯很难改掉。

111. Tissue n.


112. Precede v.


  • Roots and Affixes
    • -ced 走

113. Mushroom n./vi.

  • Phrase

    • Business mushroomed in recent years 近年来生意如雨后春笋般涌
  • Expansion

    • Fumeshroom 烟雾室

114. Listless adj.


  • Synonym
    • Lethargic

115. Stretch n.

  • Phrase
    • Stretch the truth 夸大真相
  • Derivative
    • Stretcher 担架

116. Recharge v.

117. Groom v./n.

  • Phrase

    • Groom its feathers 梳毛
  • Expansion

    • Bride 新娘
    • Bridegroom 新郎

118. Dim adj./v.

  • Phrase
    • Too dim to read 太暗无法阅读
    • His future is dim 未来暗淡
    • Dim the light 是灯光变暗

119. Quantify vt.


  • Derivative

    • Quantitative 量化的
  • Expansion

    • Quality VS. Quantity

120. Equitable adj.

  • Synonym
    • Equal 公平的

121. Appreciate vt.

  • Phrase
    • Appreciate a work of art 欣赏一件艺术品
    • Appreciate your help 感谢帮忙
    • US. Dollars appreciated against RMB 兑换升值

122. Neuron n.


123. Glare v./n.

  • Phrase
    • Glaring sunlight 耀眼的阳光
    • Glare at 怒视

124. Marsh n.


  • Synonym

    • Swamp
  • Expansion

    • Marshmallow 棉花软糖

125. Foul adj.

  • Phrase
    • Foul aire 犯规
    • Offensive foul 进攻性犯规
    • Defensive foul 防御性犯规
    • foul-mouthed 嘴脏的

126. Eclipse n./vt.


127. Incentive n.

  • Derivative
    • Incentivize 刺激
    • Deincentivize 取消激励

128. Command

  • Phrase
    • Commander-in-chief 总司令

129. Puncture n.

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -punc 刺
      • Punctual 准时的
      • Acupuncture 针灸

130. Corrosive adj.


  • Derivative
    • Corrode 腐蚀、毒害

131. Picky adj.


132. Raven n.


133. Durable adj.


  • Derivative
    • Durability 耐用
    • Endure 忍耐

134. Approve n.

  • Roots and Affixes
    • -prov 证明
  • Phrase
    • Approve of the project
    • Approval rating 支持率

135. Jot vt.

  • Phrase
    • Jot down 草草记下

136. Prudent adj.


  • Antonym
    • Rash 草率的

137. Ratify vt.

  • Derivation
    • Ratification of act 法案的批准
  • Expansion
    • Rectify

138. Athlete n.

139. Ideology n.


  • Derivative
    • Ideological adj. 意识形态的

140. Spur n.


  • Phrase
    • Spur innovation 刺激创新
    • Spur into action 投入行动
    • on a spur of the moment 一时冲动……

141. Vice n.

  • Phrase
    • Vice-president 副总统
    • Human vices 人类恶习 (7 deadly sins 七宗罪)

142. Oyster n.


143. Debatable adj.


  • Phrase
    • Debatable viewpoint 有争议的观点

144. Deposit v./n.


  • Roots and Affixes
    • -de 下
    • -pos 放

145. Reunion n.

146. Lay v./adj.


  • Phrase
    • Lay People/men 外行人

147. Occupy vt.

  • Phrase
    • Occupy Wall Street
  • Derivative
    • Occupation
      • 占领
      • 职业 position(job)