1. Interior adj./n.
- Roots and Affixes
- -in
- -teriror 边
- Exterior design 外部设计
- Posterior 后槽牙
- Superterior 超级,优越
- Inferior 下级
- -post 后
- -hind 后
- Hind legs 后腿
- In hind sight 马后炮
- -rear 后
- My car was rear-ended. 我的车被后面撞了
- Rear-view mirror 后视镜
- -ante 前
- Anterior 前部的
- Antenna 天线,触角
- -anti
- Anti-Japenese War 抗日战争
- -infer -infra 在下
- Infrared 红外线
2. Constitution n.
- Phrase
- Constitution of the United States=
- Genetic Constitution 遗传构成
3. Freeze
- Derivative
- Frozen ppt.
- Example
- Freeze! 别动!
4. Dehydrate
- Derivative
- Dehydration 脱水
- Roots and Affixed
- -de 除
- -hydra 水
- hydrogen 氢
- hydra 水蛭,九头蛇
- Example
- I feel dehydrated, (Hangover 宿醉)
5. Sinuous
- Roots and Affixes
- -sinu 弯曲
- Insinuate 暗示,虚与委蛇
- -sinu 弯曲
6. Alarm
- Example
- I feel alarmed after this fire accident. 这次火灾事故后,我感到惊慌失措。
- Sth is alarming…
- Expansion
- 人 d,物 g
7. Machinery
8. Expect
- Roots and Affixes
- -ex
- -pect (-spect)看
- Inspect 检查
- Phrase
- Live up to ones’s expectation 不辜负人们的期望
9. Anticipate
- Synonym
- Look forward to doing
- Expect 期望
- Roots and Affixes
- -anti (ante) 前
- -cip (-ceiv 接收)
- Example
- He is full of anticipation. 他充满了期待。
- This event is much anticipated. 这一事件备受期待。
10. Critic
- Phrase
- Literary critics 文学评论家
- Critical moment 重要时刻
- Critical thinking 批判性思维
- Critical blow 致命一击 (deal a critical blow to sb)给予致命一击
11. Instinctual
- Derivative
- Instinct 本能
- Animal Instinct 动物本能
- Knee-jerk reaction 膝跳反射 -> Instinctual
12. Uncanny
- Synonym
- Mysterios + weird
13. Arrest
- Roots and Affixes
- -rest 休息
- Example
- That performance is arresting to me. 那种表现让我着迷。
14. Sprinkle
- Derivative
- Sprinker 洒水器
- Example
- Sprinkle some Sichuan peppers 撒一些四川辣椒
15. Orthodox
- Synonym
- Traditional
- Roots and Affixes
- -orho 正
- -un
- unorthodox 非正统的
- Expansion
- Orthodontist 正牙医生
16. Preliterate
- Roots and Affixes
- -liter
- -pre
- Expansion
- Meme 文化基因
17. Nominal adj.
- Phrase
- Nominal head of the state
18. Certitude n.
- Derivative
- I certify… 我保证/确认
- Certainly -cert 心
- Expansion
- Attitude
- Attitude determines altitude. 态度决定高度
- Altitude 海拔
- Longitude 经度
- Attitude
19. Hustle n./vt.
- Example
- Hustle and Bustle of city life 熙熙攘攘
20. Fake adj./n./v.
- Synonym
- Phony 虚假的
- Fraud 欺诈
- Example
- v. Fake it before you make it.
21. Engrave vt.
- Roots and Affixes
- -grav 重
- Gravity 重力
- Grave 坟墓
- Gravy 酱汁
- -grav 重
- Example
- What you said is engraved in my heart.
22. Prohibt v.
- Synonym
- Ban
- Abolish
- End
- Derivative
- Prohibition
- Roots and Affixes
- -pro 在…之前
- -hibit 拿住
- Inhibit 抑制
- Example
- Smoking is prohibited.
23. Homage n.
- Phrase
- pay homage to 致敬
24. Dramatize v.
- Dramatic 戏剧的,巨大的
Drama != Tragedy 悲剧
Root and Affixes
- -ize (动词尾缀)使
25. Infatuate
- Synonym
- Being smitten
- In the state of being carried away by an unreasoned passion
- Phrase
- Fatuous remark 愚蠢的发言
- Derivative
- Infatuation != love
- Roots and Affixes
- -fat 笨
26. Exclusive adj./n.
- Phrase
- Exclusive interview 独家采访
- Antonym
- Include
- Conclude
- Conclusive
- Roots and Affixes
- -ex
- -clus (= close)
27. Cynical adj.
- Phrase
- With a cynical view 持有愤世嫉俗的观点
- Young cynical
- Old cynic 老愤青
- Derivative
- Cynics 白狗
28. Discriminate v.
- Phrase
- Discriminate against 歧视
- Discriminate between 区别
- Derivative
- Discrimination
- Roots and Affixes
- -dis 分开,分散,散播
29. Associate v.
- Roots and Affixes
- -soci 社会,结社
- Expansion
- Slow student 学渣
- Straight-A Student 学霸
30. Spare vt.
- Phrase
- Spare time 业余时间
- Spare tire 备胎
- Spare no effort 不遗余力做…
31. Database n.
- Expansion
- Big data
- Data science -> data secientist
32. Proclaim v.
- Roots and Affixes
- -pro
- -claim 声明,取回
- Baggage claim 行李领取处
- Exclaim 呼喊
- Exclamation mark 感叹号!
- Reclaim 开垦
- Reclaim the soil
- Claim the Diaoyou Island 认领钓鱼岛
33. Level n./adj/vt.
- Phrase
- v. Level the playing filed 公平的竞争环境
- adj. Keep a level head in a crisis 在危机中保持头脑清醒
34. Controversy n.
- Synonym
- Dispute
- Argument 争论,辩论
- Phrase
- Controversy over sth
- Derivative
- Controversial
- Roots and Affixes
- -contra(contro) 反
- -vers 转
35. Oppose
- Derivative
- Opposite 相反的
- Phrase
- Opposition side 反方
- Roots and Affixes
- -pos 反
- Expansion
- Propose 提出
- Proportion side 正方
- I beg to differ. 我乞求不同。
36. Toxic adj.
- Derivative
- Toxicity 毒性
- Roots and Affixes
- -noc
37. Lead v./n.
- Synonym
- 铅元素 Lead
- Example
- leader: A leader knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.
- May I take the lead?
- He is a leading scientist in the field of …
38. Rustproof adj.
- Roots and Affixes
- -proof 防…的
- waterproof 雨衣
- Foolproof 不会出错的
- -proof 防…的
- Expansion
- If I rest, I rust. 如果我休息,我就会生锈。
39. Sunlit adj.
Light -> lit
40. Profession n.
- Derivative
- Professional
- Roots and Affixes
- -fess 说
- Confess 坦白,表白
- -fess 说
41. Hay n.
- Phrase
- Hay stack 干草堆
42. Vegetarian n.
- Derivative
- Vegan 严格素食主义者
- Phrase
- Go vegetarian 吃素
43. Column n.
- Synonmy
- Pillar 支柱
- Derivative
- Columnist 专栏作家
44. Microbe n.
- Phrase
- Gut microbe-organism 肠道微生物
45. Homestead n.
- Example
- 1862 Homestead Act 宅地法案
46. Canyon n.
- Example
- The Grand Canyon 大峡谷
47. Portraiture n.
- Derivative
- Portrait 肖像
- Example
- Self-Portrait 自画像
48. Alloy n./vt.
- Expansion
- Brass: zinc + copper 黄铜:锌+铜
- Unalloyed delight 纯粹的喜悦
49. Microscope n.
- Roots and Affixes
- -scope 看,范围
- Kaleidoscope 万花筒
- Telescope 望远镜
- Stethoscope 听诊器
- -scope 看,范围
50. Verse n.
- Phrase
- Be versed in … 熟练/擅长
- Roots and Affixes
- -vers 转
51. Credential n.
- Derivative
- Credit card 信用卡
- Roots and Affixes
- -cred 信
- Incredible 难以置信的
52. Towering adj.
- Phrase
- Towering figure 高耸的身影
- Towers above the cloud 耸立在云层之上
53. Pervasive adj.
- Roots and Affixes
- -per 全;贯穿
- person
- -son 声音 supersonic 超音速
- person
- -vas (-vad) 走
- -per 全;贯穿
- Expansion
- Slave: just human != person (位格意义上的人)
54. Lush adj.
- Synonmy
- Fourishing 茂盛的
- Expansion
- Flush after use 使用后冲洗
- Blush 脸红
55. Igneous adj.
- Ignition Device 点火装置
Roots and Affixes
- Ignite
- He ignited my passion. 他点燃了我的激情。
56. Salient adj.
- Synonym
- Distinct
- Outstanding 显著的,突出的
57. Rescue vt./n.
- Phrase
- Resucre Team 救援队
- Expansion
- Redeem 赎回,拯救
- Shaw Shank Redemption 肖申克的救赎
58. Acquire vt.
- Synonym
- Obtain
- Gain
- Derivative
- Acquisition 获得
- Acquisitive = Greedy 贪婪的
- Roots and Affixes
- -ac 强调
- -quir 问
- Inquiry Inquire 询问,调查
- Example
- AID: Acquired Immunodeficiency
59. Geometry n.
- Roots and Affixes
- -geo 几
- -metr 测量
- Meter 米
- Odometer 里程表
- Barometer 气压计
- Speedmeter 速度计
- Expansion
- Measure 测量
60. Inner ajd./n.
- Antonym
- Outer
61. Combine v.
- Phrase
- Combination lock 密码锁
- Roots and Affixes
- -con -com
- -bi 二
- Bike
- Bicycle
62. Shrivel v.
- Example
- He looks shrivelled. 他看起来萎了。
63. Infancy n.
- In one’s infancy 在婴儿期
- In the infancy of human society 在人类社会的婴儿期
- Infant 婴儿
64. Syrup n.
- Maple Syrup 枫糖浆
- Pancake 薄煎饼
65. Hemp n.
66. Ethical adj.
- Work ethic 职业道德
- Moral 道德的
- Ethics 伦理学
67. Weed n.
- Phrase
- Weed out 除草
68. Trend n.
- Derivative
- Trendy 时髦的
69. Motivate vt.
- Motivating speech 激励性的演讲
- Motivation
Roots and Affixes
- -mot 动
- Mobile -mob
70. Dilate v.
- Phrase
- Dilating Drops 眼药水
- Expansion
- Pupil 瞳孔
71. Peak adj/n.
- Synonym
- Summit
72. Homing adj.
- Phrase
- Homing Pigeon 信鸽
73. Flagellum n.
- Derivative
- Flagellation 鞭笞
74. Intricate adj.
- Synonym
- Complex
- Roots and Affixes
- -in
- -tric (trick)
75. Tournament n.
76. Advocate vt./n.
- Derivative
- Advocy 倡导
- Roots and Affixes
- -ad 表加强
- -voc vocal voice 声
77. Crush vt.
- Phrase
- Have a crush on 迷恋
78. Ingredient n.
- Example
- There are three ingredients for good life: learning, earning, yearning. 美好生活有三个要素:学习、赚钱、向往
79. Terminal n./adj.
- Phrase
- Terminal disease 绝症
- Terminate the plan 终止计划
- Derivative
- Terminator
- Roots and Affixes
- -termin 终点
80. Rub n./v.
- Phrase
- There is a rub… 有一个摩擦…
81. Mighty adj.
- Derivative
- Might 可能,力量
- Almighty 全能的
- Example
- Might is right. 力量就是权力
82. Accident n.
- Roots and Affixes
- -cid 落、掉
83. Inflammation n.
- Synonym
- Flame
- Ulcer 溃疡
84. Shield n./vt.
- Phrase
- Shield sb from sth. 免受
85. Mammoth adj.
- Synonym
- Enormous
- Huge
86. Nightmare n.
- Derivative
- Nightmarish 恶梦般的
87. Accord n.
- Phrase
- In accord with = In accordance with 与…一致
- According to 根据
- Roots and Affixes
- -cord
- Example
- No discord, no concord.
88. Versus prep.
89. Musician n.
- Roots and Affixes
- -mus
- Muse 缪斯
- -mus
90. Dwarf vt.
- Phrase
- White dwarf 白矮星
- Example
- …, Dwarfing all other buildings 使所有其他建筑相形见绌
91. Classic adj.
- Derivative
- Classical Music 古典
- Classics 经典读物
92. Muggy adj.
- Fuggy 闷热的
- Mug 马克杯
93. Skyscraper n.
- Roots and Affixes
- -scrape 摩擦
94. Compliment n.
- Synonmy
- Praise
- Example
- Thank you for your compliments.
95. Pest
- Derivative
- Pesticiden 杀虫剂
- Roots and Affixes
- -cid 杀
- Suicide 自杀
- Homicide 他杀
- Herbicide 除草剂
- -cid 杀
96. Genius n.
97. Reput v./n.
- Derivative
- Reputation
- Example
- He is a reputed physician. 有名声的物理学家
- I ran a business of repute. 我经营着一家有信誉的企业。
98. Fauna n.
- Expansion
- Flora 植物
99. Healthful adj.
- Roots and Affixes
- -ful full
- -less
100. Sympathetic adj.
- Roots and Affixes
- -sym 同
- -path 情感 pathos
- Derivative
- Sympathy 同情
- Sympathize 同情
101. Mortality n.
- Phrase
- Child mortality rate 儿童死亡率
- Derivative
- Mortal 可朽的
- Immortal 不朽的
102. Wanna v.
- Synonym
- Want to
103. Predecessor n.
- Derivative
- Precede 先于
- Roots and Affixes
- -cess -cede -vad 走
104. Scrub v./n.
- Phrase
- Scrub the window pane 擦洗窗格
105. Check n./v.
- Synonym
- Cheque 支票
- Phrase
- Checks and balances 制衡制度
- Hold sb in check 控制某人
106. Dive vi./n.
- Take a nose-dive 急速下坠
- Skydiving 跳伞
107. Rough n.
- Synonym
- Tough 粗暴的, 艰难的
108. Stain v./n.
- Phrase
- Stainless steel 不锈钢
- Example
- His repuatation is stained. 被玷污
109. Multiple adj.
- Roots and Affixes
- -multi 多
- Multiply 乘
- -multi 多
110. Visual adj.
- Phrase
- Visual art
- Derivative
- Visualize
- Roots and Affixes
- -vis vision visionary
111. Rationality n.
- Phrase
- Rational machine 理性机器
- Expansion
- Reasonable 讲道理的
- Example
- He behavior is rational, but not reasonable. 行为合理但不合情。
112. Tout v.
- Example
- Street vendor touting their vegetables. 街头小贩吹捧他们的蔬菜。
113. Stubborn adj.
- Expansion
- Stub 一小块
114. Outrage n./vt.
- Synonym
- Rage 愤怒
- Intense anger 强烈的愤怒
- Phrase
- Outrageous remark 离谱的评论
115. Intrigue n./v.
This is intriguing > interesting
- Roots and Affixes
- -in
- -tri trick
116. Cannot v.
- Synonym
- Imply
- Implication
- Derivative
- Connotation 言外之意
- Roots and Affixes
- -not
117. Persistent adj.
- Roots and Affixes
- -per 贯穿
- -sist (sit)
- Example
- I must persit
118. Secede vi.
- Derivative
- Secession n. 分开,脱离,退出
- Roots and Affixes
- -ced 走
- -se 分开
- Separate
119. Disquiet v./n.
- Phrase
- Disquieting news 使人不安的新闻]
- Roots and Affixes
- -dis 否,不
121. Bode vi.
- Phrase
- Bode well for sb 对…来说好兆头
- Bode ill for sb. 对…不好。
122. Folkway n.
- Roots and Affixes
- Folk 民间
- Expansion
- Volkswagen 大众
- Wagon 车
123. Console vt.
- Synonym
- Comfort sb = Console sb.
- Phrase
- Consolation prize 安慰奖
124. Overrun v./n.
125. Turmoil n.
- Example
- Political turmoil 政治骚动
- Financial turmoil
- Emotional turmoil
126. Amenable adj.
- Synonym
- Answerable… 顺从的,服从的的
- Example
- He is a man amenable/answerable to the law.
127. Interrelate v.
- Roots and Affixes
- -inter internet
- Expansion
- Relate Relatives
- Relate A to B
- Example
- Our fate were interrelated in this novel.
128. Nude adj.
- Phrase
- Nude scenes 裸露的镜头
129. Redundant adj.
- Derivative
- Redundancy 多余,累赘
- Example
- We need to be short and sweet, not redundant. 我们需要简短而甜蜜,而不是多余。
130. Inverse adj.
- Phrase
- In inverse proportion to 与… 成反比
- Inverse number 倒数
- Roots and Affixes
- -vers 转
131. Revive v.
- Roots and Affixes
- -re
- -viv 生命
- vivid survive