1. Chaotic adj. /keɪˈɑtɪk/
- Derivative
- Chaos n. 混沌
- Example
- Out of chaos, find simplicity. –Bruce Lee
- Simple But no simplistic. 简洁但不简单
2. Renown n. /rɪˈnaʊn/
- Synonmy
- a famous/renowned/famed/celebrated scientist
(Etymology Dictionary)
3. Scroll n./v. /skroʊl/
- Phrase
- Scroll down/up
4. Embrace v./n. /ɛmˈbreɪs/
- Synonmy
- hug 拥抱 (bear bug 熊抱)
- cuddle 搂住
- accept 接受
- Roots and Affixes
- -em, -en 使动
- Enable
- Brace 牙套、石膏
- -em, -en 使动
5. Obliterate v. /əˈblɪtəˌreɪt/
- Synonmy
- wipe out 彻底摧毁
- destroy utterly
- Derivative
- Obliteration 毁灭,忘却
- Obliterative 毁灭的
- Roots and Affixes
- -ob 去掉
- -liter (letter)
- a man of letter 文化人
- Literary 文学的
- Literature 文献
- Literate 有读写能力的
- illiterate 文盲的
- Literal 字面的
6. Colonization n. /ˌkɑlənɪˈzeɪʃən/
- Phrase
- a colony of ants 一群蚂蚁
- Derivative
- Colonize 殖民
7. Affiliate v. /əˈfɪliˌeɪt/
- Phrase
- affiliate with 隶属于
- Example
- He is affiliated with Delicacy Assocaition
- Roots and Affixes
- -filia 子女
- filial piety 孝顺
- -af a+2 个辅音,表强调
- aggressive 好斗的
- -filia 子女
8. Rancorous adj. /ˈræŋkərəs/
- Synonym
- hostile 敌对的的,怨恨的
- Derivative
- rancor=hostility=bitter, nasty (go nasty on sb 对…下流)
9. Subculture n. /ˈsʌbˌkʌlʧər/
- Roots and Affixes
- -sub 下,亚
10. Forum n. /ˈfɔrəm/
- Example
- Tianya Forum 天涯论坛
- Expansion
- Fortune 财富
11. Participant n.
- Derivative
- Participate in…
- Roots and Affixes
- -part
- -cip 接收,拿,取
12. Strain v./n. /streɪn/
- Phrase
- v. Strain your muscle, thumb 扭伤肌肉
- n. Put strain on… 施加压力 = overwork, overdo
- n. Bird flu, swine flue -> H1N5 a strain of flu 流感菌株
- Financial strain on… 财务压力
13. Vary v. /ˈvɛri/
- Phrase
- Opinions vary. 观点变动
- Derivative
- Varied->varied color
- Variation 变化
- Various
14. Mediate v. /‘midiɪt/
- Derivative
- Medieval 中世纪的 -eval 时间
- Mediator
- Roots and Affixes
- -med(middle)
- medium -> pl. media
- Immediate (-im 反,-medi -ate) 立即的
- -med(middle)
15. Sensitive adj. /ˈsɛnsətɪv/
- Derivative
- Sensible 讲道理的
- He is a sensible person(makes sense)
- Sentimental 多愁善感的
- She is a sentimental woman、patriotic sentiment
- Sense
- the sixth sense
- Sensible 讲道理的
16. Exposition n. /ˌɛkspəˈzɪʃən/
- Exhibition 展览会
- Expose (gut oil 地沟油)
- Wolrd Expo、Exposition of the text 文本的阐述
Roots and Affixes
- -ex 外,前
- External, internal
- Ex-husband
- -pos 放
- posture 仪态
- -ex 外,前
17. Sphere n. /sfɪr/
- circle
- globe
- Spherical adj. 球体的
- the political sphere 政界
- Northen Hemisphere 北半球(-hemi 半)
- The universe is finite but has no edges.
18. Discharge v./n. /dɪsˈʧɑrʤ/
- Release 释放
- discharge from the army/the hospital/the prison
Roots and Affixes
- -dis 放开;非
19. Giant adj. /ˈʤaɪənt/
- Huge
- Gargantuan
- Enormous
- Gigantic
- Stand on the shoulder of the giants.
- A small step for me, a giant step for mankind.
- BFG: Big Friendly Giant
20. Melt v. /mɛlt/
- Phrase
- Melting pot 大熔炉
- His heart melts.
- Melting pot 熔点
21. Solicit v. /səˈlɪsɪt/
- Solicitor General 副司法部长
- Attorney General 司法部长
Roots and Affixes
- -licit
- Elicit 引出
- Solicit 索求
- -licit
22. Leisure n. /ˈliːʒər/
- Phrase
- Read sth at leisure
- Spend your day at leisure after this class
- Expansion
- Wonder 惊异
23. Unravel v.
- Synonym
- Reveal 揭开
- Discover 澄清
- Phrase
- Unravel the mystery of the universe
24. Nail n./v.
- Nail polish 指甲油
- Finger nail
- Nail down 敲定
- It dirves him into nail-biting frenzy. 这让他陷入了咬指甲的狂热。
- Pin, nail 钉子
- tack 图钉
25. Attain v.
- Derivative
- Attainment 达到、成就
- Roots and Affixes
- -tain 拿住
- Obtain 获得
- Retain (retention)保留
- Maintain 保持
- Captain
- -tain 拿住
26. Constitute v.
- Derivative
- Constitution 宪法
- Roots and Affixes
- -con 全
- -stit 站
- Example
- Government is instituted By the people, of the people and for the people. 三民主义
- These constitute our class. 这些构成了我们的课程
27. Unsubstantiated adj.
- Synonym
- Unsupported
- Phrase
- Substantiate your point = support = provide evidence for
- Roots and Affixes
- -un
- -sub
- -stant (stand)
28. Stylized adj.
- Derivative
- Style ->
- Stylize 脸谱化 ->
- Stylized 程式化
29. Intrepid adj.
- Unafraid
- Trepidation = fear = dread = anxiety
Roots and Affixes
- -in
- Will you be there? In my trepidation. – MJ
30. Nominee n.
- Derivative
- Nominate
- Nomination
- Phrase
- Democratic nominee / Republican nominee
- Nominal head of the team 团队的名义负责人
- de jure 名义上
- de facto 实质上 (西班牙语)
- Roots and Affixes
- -nomi 名
- Expansion
- Employer/employee
- Caller/callee
- Interviewer/interviewee
31. Panic n./v.
- Derivative
- Panicking 惊慌失措
- Example
- Don’t panic!
32. Lure v./n.
- Synonmy
- Atrtract
- -tract 拉
- Tempt
- It is tempting to do.. 这样做很诱人..
- Entice 引诱
- Induce 劝说
- Atrtract
- Phrase
- Lure sb into sth 引诱sb进入sth
33. Routine n.
- Synonmy
- Habit
- Phrase
- En route 在路上(法语)
- polish daily routine 润色每天常规之事
- Derivative
- Router 路由器
- Roots and Affixes
- -rout 路
34. Solution n.
- Derivative
- Solve
- Solution 溶液
- Soluble 可溶解的
- Insoluble 不可溶解的
35. Revere v.
- Derivative
- Reverent = respectful
- Roots and Affixes
- -spect suspect 嫌疑人 respect
- Example
- Rev. Johnson = Revered Johnson
36. Idealize vt.
- Derivative
- Idea
- Phrase
- Ideal university
37. Flash n./vi.
- Derivative
- Flashlight 手电筒
- Example
- Flash in the dark 在黑暗中闪光
38. Secrete vt.
- Synonmy
- Excrete 分泌
- Derivative
- Secretion 分泌
- Expansion
- Secret n. 秘密
39. Issue n./vt.
- Phrase
- Political Issue
- Policy issue
- Tough issue
- An issue of NYT 《纽约时报》一期
- Issue a law/act 颁布
40. Aria n.
41. Facilitate vt.
- Derivative
- Factory
- Example
- Facilite your vocabulary learning skills. 促进你的词汇学习技能。
- Roots and Affixes
- -fac -fak 做
- Fake
- -ate
- -fac -fak 做
42. Electricity n.
- Derivative
- Electric 电动的,电的
- Electrical 有关电的
- Electrical engineer
43. Progressive adj.
- Derivative
- Progress 进步
- Antonym
- Conservative 保守的
- Roots and Affixes
- -pro
- -gress
- Expansion
- Liberal -> progressive 进步的
44. Reef n.
- Phrase
- Coral Reef 珊瑚礁
45. President n.
- Presidency 总统职位
- Presidential 总统的
- Class president 班长
46. Feeble adj.
- Synonmy
- Fail
- Fragile
- Derivative
- Enfeeble sb.
- Phrase
- Feeble mind 虚弱的头脑
47. Influx n.
- Synonmy
- Arrival
- Phrase
- A large of influx of immigrants
- Roots and Affixes
- -flu
- Fluid
- Flu
- Flow 涌入
- -flu
48. Receptacle n.
- Synonmy
- Container
- Roots and Affixes
- -cept,-ceiv 接收
49. Accent
- Derivative
- Accentuate 强调
- Roots and Affixes
- -cent 唱歌
50. Kernel n.
- Core
- Kennel 狗舍
51. Secure adj./vt.
- Phrase
- A sense of security
- Expansion
- Security vs. freedom
- Safe != Secure 一个物理,一个心理
52. Electron n.
Proton + Electron = Atom
质子 + 电子 = 原子
53. Segment n.
- Section
Roots and Affixes
- -seg 、-sec 切割
- Insect 昆虫
- -seg 、-sec 切割
54. Nourish vt.
- Synonmy
- Cultivate
- Feed
- Povide for
- Foster 培养
55. Engulf vt.
Roots and Affixes
- -en 使
- -gulf 吞
- Gulf War 海湾战争
- Poland was engulfed by Nazi army.
56. Bedrock n.
Families.are the bedrock of society. 家庭是社会基石
57. Due adj.
- Example
- Homework is due on Tuesday
- Due date 到期日
- Expansion
- Duty 义务
58. Unprecedented
- Derivative
- Precedent 先例的
- Roots and Affixes
- -un
59. Expel vt.
- Roots and Affixes
- -ex 向外
- -pel、-pul 推
- I am compelled to do… 我被迫做
- Impel 推动、推进
- Compulsory Education 义务教育
- Repel 击退
- Dispel 驱散
60. Verbal adj.
- Synonmy
- Oral,
- Spoken
- By mouth
- Stated
- Phrase
- Verbal abuse
61. Deadline n.
- Phrase
- Deadline syndrome 截止日期综合症
62. Tolerate v.
- Antonym
- Embrace
- Phrase
- Lactose intolerant 乳糖不耐受
63. Indentity n.
- Identical 相同的
- ID card: Indetification Car
- ATM PIN: Persona; Identification Number
- Indentity Crisis
- There are no identical leaves in the world.
- Adolescence 青春期
- Middle Crisis
64. Seep vt.
- Ooze 渗透
- Seep through the crack
- He oozes confidence. 他散发着信心。
- Seed
- Sleep
65. Patriarch n.
- Matriarch 女家长
Roots and Affixes
- -patri 父
- -arch , -cracy 统治
- Monarchy 君主制
- Duopoly 两强垄断
- Oligarchy 寡头政治
- Democracy 民主主义
- Paternal grandfather 爷爷
- Maternal grandfather 外祖父
66. Engage v.
- Derivative
- Enagement 交锋
- Phrase
- 人生三大圈圈
- Engagement ring 订婚戒指
- Wedding ring 结婚戒指
- Suffering ring
- 人生三大圈圈
- Example
- He is engaged in public service. 他从事公共服务。
67. Constrain vt.
- Phrase
- Constrained by financial burden
- Derivative
- Constraint 约束
68. Innocent adj.
- Derivative
- Innocence
- Roots and Affixes
- -noc 毒,有害
- Nocuous germs 有害的细菌
- -noc 毒,有害
- Expansion
- What is your poison? 你喝什么酒